RESOLVE Mother Wound Healing Intensive is Live!!

Sign up for today! Class starts October 16th

Your first relationship is with your mother. But the most important relationship is the one you have with yourself. Healing your mother wound makes that possible.

I’m Jennifer and I’m here to help you heal from the painful relationship you had with your mother. You’re not crazy or making things up. And you’re definitely not the only one. We’re all in this together.

I started this work because I knew that healing happened through community and I was tired of feeling so alone. Before I began this healing journey, I was sure I need to work to earn love and every mistake deserved the harshest punishment.

I have since learned the power of grace, mercy and love for myself. I began setting healthy boundaries (even when I felt guilty). I prioritized my own happiness and needs. Because of this I was able to give myself permission to soar and begin living a life I had only dreamed of.

I now have more peace, joy and confidence than I could’ve ever imagined. I want to help you do the same thing.


Join us on a live 6-week journey in our Black Mother Wound Healing intensive where you’ll get the same healing blueprint I used and continue to use to heal from the relationship with tmy mother so you can release the pain of the pass and begin living in the joy and peace of now.

1:1 SessionsAs your healing guide, we will craft a custom healing plan centered around your specific healing goals. I will walk with you, hand in hand through your personal mother wound healing journey of releasing your past, restoring your peace and rebirthing a life that is worthy of who you are.


With over 20,000 downloads in the first two months, the Black Mother Wound Podcast has been a voice for the voiceless.

In a world where that often tries to silence our voices, the Black Mother Wound Podcast is a safe place for Black women to heal from the toxic relationship with their mother.

We discuss the realities of navigating the path of healing and learning to love ourselves fully and boldly. We’re committed to unraveling the threads of generational trauma and weaving new stories of resilience, joy and true peace.


The ultimate crash guide to changing your life. You’ll never read another self-help book ever again.

The narrative around being strong has been a crown of thorns for African American women since shewe were brought to this country as slaves. Being smart and clever and efficient was a matter of life and death.

Now in present time, being a smart, educated and successful African American woman doesn’t determine if we live or die but it often creates an isolating and lonely world because more times than not she is we are hustling to prove herour worth to everyone.


Interested in working with Jennifer? Fill out the form below.
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